Forth Valley Orienteers are delighted to host the 2025 British Night Championships, making use of the legendary forest at Touch near Stirling. This will be the first opportunity in ten years to orienteer at Touch.
The forest is a mix of mature deciduous and plantation, runnable with highly complex terrain. The longer courses will include several legs on the muir above. The area was last used in 2015 and has recently been re-mapped by Martin Bagness. This a great opportunity to run a high quality course in superb woodland and terrain.
The terrain is tough in places and the route to the start for the shorter courses is likely to include a steep bank on slippery ground. Courses are planned as appropriate for the age categories within the constraints of the terrain. Jackets, whistles and spare torches will be mandatory, there will be a kit check.
Permission has been formally granted by both landowners that are involved.
The event is easily accessible, parking and assembly will be at Castleview Park & Ride near junction 10 on the M9. There will be a shuttle bus that will take around ten minutes and will run regularly between here and the event area. There will be toilets, a marquee for clothing dump, results and shelter at the event area. There will be no parking at the event area.
Entries will open in autumn 2024. We hope that there will be a SOL event run on the Sunday, details to be confirmed. As the event facilities are dispersed we expect the prize giving to be at the event on Sunday.
Organiser John Heaton (FVO)
Planner Alasdair Macleod (FVO)
Controller Duncan Archer (LOC)
Safety Officer John Owen (FVO)